I, (like hopefully)all of you reading this, am greatly disburbed by the events that took placeon Feb. 26th involving Trayvon Martin. I am not going torecount the events, instead, the link below is an excellent source of detailed information and I invite all of you to pleasetake time to click on and read it.
I will,however, share this... Over the weekend, I was with a few of my friends, and ofcourse, the topic was brought up, along with the photo that Lebron James tweetedof the Miami Heat paying tribute to Trayvon. In his honor, weall took photo's of ourselves in hoodies and made them our profile photoson facebook.
Even though wetook that step, I felt like I wanted to do more. As an aspiring 'street artist'I obviously wanted to communicate publicly about such a socially relevant topic,and of course wanted to get it out there as soon as possible. This is thepiece I created and I hope you feel as strongly about it as I do. Pleaseshare this story and this image with everyone you know. This type of behaviorshould never be tolerated and It makes me sick to think that this child had todie, repeat DIE as the result of ignorance, and whats worse is the tackless slanderingof his name, being used as a cheap tactic to prove this childsomehow was 'bad', indicating that murdering him is somehowjustifiable.... It's pathetic! My heart, thoughts and prayers go out tohis family. RIP Trayvon Martin.Justice will be served.
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Photo #1 Boynton Beach Arts District. ActivistArtistA
Photo# 2 Linton Blvd,
Delray Beach
Phot o # 3 Closer look
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Photo # 4 LeBron James tweeted this photo ofMiami Heat Honoringon Friday, March 23, 2012. (Twitter.com/KingJames)