These are the next paintings in my 'words' series..
I rediscovered a great poem by Maya Angelou and immediately knew what my next painting was going to be! I love that... When an idea and the opportunity to follow through with that idea coincide! I work a regular 9-5 job and most days idea's flow in and out of my mind, and I'm unable to really explore farther until I'm at home... Now while my job is in a creative field (thank God) I, like I just mentioned, have to usually sit on the idea and sometimes later,
I find, I am not as excited about it as I initially was.
This time I had the time to explore and this is what I went home and did..
Photo #1 in progress -
Painting the backgrounds
Photo #2 in progress -
Using vinyl stencil on canvas,
using a screen printing technique
Photo #3 final piece(s) -
"Caged Bird"
14"x18" Acrylic on Canvas
Inspired by the poem -
"I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" Maya Angelou
click to read the poem.

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