New print for the never ending project that is "The Delray Affair".
I have to say, that I have been having a little bit of a hard time, being
on this schedule... 2 canvas paintings each week plus additional screen
prints is quite the task every week! (I know, I know, such problems...
blah blah blah) anyway, So I was looking for some inspiration,
by way of inspirational sayings & poems, when low and behold,
I decided to merge a few together as sorta make my own quote.
The following print is the final outcome of my little googling adventure. :)
Photo #1 in progress -
Screen printed on canvas sheets,
hanging on the line drying.
Photo #2 on the table (more drying time)
Photo #3 final pieces -
"Art is an Adventure" 11"x14"
Screen print on Canvas
Coincidentally, and to go along with the theme,
I have been obsessed with the Ben Harper song "With my own Two Hands"
what a great song.. If you don't know it, or haven't heard it in awhile,
check out the link below.

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